

fact: the world is changing
faster than ever before

To thrive long-term, we need to look into the future. People typically don’t like thinking about the future. It makes us feel uncomfortable, even overwhelmed. But not going there is one of the reasons business change so often fails.



fact: 70% of
business change attempts fail

This is why future-back thinking informs all our work with clients. We get you to observe what’s going on around you, think as big as you can, then act – and act fast. We go with you to 2100. We look at what the world is like, at who the customers, employees and leaders of the future are. Then we bring you back to work on the changes that need to be made to get you ready. Our future-back model takes in the main drivers of change, the big themes across these drivers, the consequences by sector and the organisational implications. With this powerful tool shaping the work we do together, you’ll be best placed to make the successful 30%.


Bringing the future into focus

Developing a future-proof strategy to enable a pharmacy retailer to win in a rapidly changing marketplace.

Could you be sleepwalking towards corporate destruction?

Act now. Don’t wait for the future to come to you

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